SDG&E Partnership

San Diego Gas & Electric® (SDG&E®) is a founding partner and has been an ongoing supporter of the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership’s Sustainability Program since 2008.
Partnership Achievements
Most recently our program has debuted the Every Day is Earth Day in Balboa Park coloring book featuring energy efficiency and sustainability highlights in collaboration with SDG&E. Many of the featured pages show how school age children can practice energy saving habits. The Scavenger Hunt page takes you through Balboa Park to find many sustainability features, from water conservation, alternative transportation, waste diversion, and more! The coloring book is available for free download and printing to use at home, at your next visit to Balboa Park, or as a fun educational resource. To download the coloring book, click here.
In 2016, the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership pop-up Sustainability Studio was launched as a pilot community outreach space with support from SDG&E. The Sustainability Studio brought together the San Diego community and visitors to build awareness on current sustainability projects in Balboa Park’s arts, science, and cultural organizations. The Studio demonstrated solutions, provided case studies and activities for those who visited. Our program was awarded the AAM Sustainability Excellence Award for this pilot exhibit. Read our blog to learn more.
The Cultural Partnership has received grant funding through SDG&E’s Environmental Champions initiative in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The initiative supports non-profit organizations whose programs promote environmental education, community engagement, and stewardship. The Cultural Partnership utilized the funds to achieve the collective goal of completing 10 LEED certification projects in Balboa Park. This goal was achieved in 2016 through the combined efforts of SDG&E, City of San Diego, San Diego Green Building Council and the Cultural Partnership.
The Cultural Partnership’s member organizations have taken advantage of SDG&E’s On-Bill Finance Program; a zero-percent interest loan for energy efficiency retrofits. In addition, approximately $907,000 in energy incentives and rebates have gone to Balboa Park organizations since 2008! Park projects completed through these programs to-date have resulted in annual savings of 9.12 million kWh, 94,904 therms, and over $1.48 million in energy costs.
SDG&E and the Sustainability Program together host public LED lighting sales in the Park. More than 800 LEDs and energy efficient products have been sold, saving an estimated 50,683 kWh and $7,773 in energy costs annually.
Partnership Recognition
SDG&E recognized the Cultural Partnership several times in recent years for its outstanding results in energy efficiency and conservation. The Cultural Partnership was selected as one of 11 Energy Champions in 2013 and, along with the City of San Diego, as the Energy Grand Champion in 2015.
The Sustainability Program is funded by California utility customers and administered by San Diego Gas & Electric® (SDG&E) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.