Leed® Certifications
Together with the City of San Diego, San Diego Gas & Electric, San Diego Green Building Council, community partners and our member organizations, the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership’s Sustainability Program worked diligently to bring a total of 10 LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification projects to historic Balboa Park! This legacy goal helps to communicate the amazing work already taking place in Balboa Park and sets forth a path of innovative best practices for the Park’s future.
Since 2008, the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership and its partners have been committed to making the Park’s buildings more sustainable and energy efficient. The certification of 10 buildings is a significant milestone in this ongoing greening process. Read more on the 10 LEED in Balboa Park announcement, here. 2019 proved to be another milestone marker in maintaining the 10 LEED in Balboa Park centennial legacy, read more about the four LEED recertifications here.
To celebrate the 10 LEED buildings, we created a video series on this impressive group of historic buildings to inform the public of these projects, and to inspire others to explore LEED certifications. We wanted to acknowledge all of the hard work that went into this massive undertaking. Check out all the videos on the Balboa Park YouTube Channel!
LEED® Certifications in Balboa Park
Currently Balboa Park is home to ten (10) LEED® certifications.

Casa de Balboa
Silver in 2015 & Gold in 2019

Casa del Prado
Silver in 2015 & 2020

House of Charm
Silver in 2015

The Old Globe Theatre
Silver in 2015 & 2020

The Federal Building
Silver in 2015
LEED® In the News
- Four LEED Certifications in Balboa Park via San Diego Green Building Council
- Balboa Park Leads in Environmental Sustainability for Urban Parks via Benzinga
- One of the United State's Oldest Parks is Becoming One of its Greenest Parks via CISION PRWeb
- Balboa Park LEEDing on sustainability via San Diego Union Tribune
- Balboa Park Achieves 10 LEED Certified Buildings via Cleantech San Diego
- Balboa Park LEEDs the Path to Becoming One of the Most Sustainable Urban Parks via SDG&E NewsCenter
- Convention Center, Balboa Park Get Green-Building Status Upgrades via San Diego Business Journal
- What We Can Learn From Balboa Park's LEED via San Diego Business Journal
- Balboa Park Takes the 'LEED'! via Balboa Park Conservancy
- 2015 LEED Plaque Ceremony Recap via Balboa Park Cultural Partnership
- Spring 2014 LEED® Progress Update via Balboa Park Cultural Partnership
- Green Assistance Program - Going Strong to support Balboa Park Centennial Sustainability Goals via San Diego Green Building Council
- Balboa Park: Putting energy into energy upgrades via San Diego Union Tribune
- LEED Certification Goal Announcement via San Diego Gas & Electric
- Balboa Park plans to add seven LEED-certified buildings via San Diego Daily Transcript
- Balboa Park Goes Green(er) via San Diego NBC
Thank you
Special thank you to the City of San Diego and SDG&E for their support in the greening of Balboa Park's buildings that has enabled us to set forth this ambitious goal. In addition, thank you to the San Diego Green Building Council for bringing the Green Assistance Program (GAP) into the Park for another year! Learn more about GAP and how you can get involved as a project volunteer!
The Balboa Park Sustainability Program is a proud member of USGBC and SDGBC.