Take part in our ‘Energy Efficiency At-Home Bingo.’ It’s a fun activity that you can play with your friends and family! Not only are you saving energy and having fun, but you’ll also save on energy costs! Thank you for participating and keep reading for some fun facts (and maybe some helpful tips!).

Most importantly, have energy-saving fun! 

Energy  Saving  Fun  Facts:

  • In following with a statewide initiative, SDG&E® recommends avoiding energy use during on-peak hours (4-9 PM) when energy is in high demand, is at a higher cost, and renewable energy is less available.
  • Did you know that appliances and devices continue to draw a small amount of power when they are switched off and plugged in? This is called “phantom” load. Unplug or turn off the power strip to avoid phantom energy consumption.
  • LEDs — especially ENERGY STAR rated products — use at least 75% less energy, and last 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting.
  • SDG&E® currently provides 45% Renewable Energy to the grid from wind and solar power.
  • Find more at-home energy saving tips here!


Check  out  last  year’s  EE  Day  Bingo  Challenge!

Follow  our  social  media  channels  for  Energy  Efficiency  At-Home  Bingo  updates  and  more  sustainability  news!



Made  possible  through  support  from  founding  partner: