Sustainability ProgramSustainability Program

On August 26th, 2020, the Sustainability Program hosted our third annual E-Waste Collection Event at Balboa Park for the Cultural Partnership’s members. During this event, organizations in the Park recycled their e-waste in a way that is safe for the environment. In collaboration with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), the Fleet Science Center, and EnviroGreen Recycling Services, our event was a great success!

We hold this event each year to help organizations properly dispose of various hazardous electronic waste, batteries, and bulbs at no cost. The  Fleet Science Center offers free e-waste drop-off year-round for Balboa Park organizations, but, some hazardous items such as fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs, and single-use alkaline batteries require a disposal fee. For the third year in a row, SDG&E generously covered the disposal fees. Not only that but their rebate programs have helped members implement energy efficiency measures. 


Getting  with  the  Program

Recently, the Museum of Us along with Centro Cultural de la Raza, San Diego Art Institute, San Diego Air & Space Museum, San Diego Zoo, and the WorldBeat Center participated in SDG&E’s Business Energy Solutions (BES) and Instant Lighting Rebate programs. Through the BES program, an approved vendor worked with the institutions to provide a no-cost energy audit to create proposals of low-cost to no-cost upgrades and helped with the installation of LED lighting. With the Instant Lighting Rebate institutions receive no cost LEDs to self-install and replace their less efficient fluorescent lighting. As members upgrade their lighting to LEDs they are left with piles of used fluorescent tubes and CFL bulbs which contain mercury. During the recycling event, we received 975 fluorescent tubes and 216 CFL light bulbs, ranging in size from 1 to 8  feet in length! This was a double-win for Balboa Park organizations; we facilitated participation in SDG&E’s programs for members to receive upgraded lighting retrofits, and with support from SDG&E,  we were able to responsibly recycle the old bulbs and tubes at no cost for 15 non-profit organizations. Visit SDG&E’s incentives and rebates to learn more about the BES and Instant Lighting Rebate programs. 


Join  the  Greener  Side

This year’s haul was massive with the participation of 15 organizations including the Cultural Partnership, Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park Conservancy, Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA), Balboa Art Conservation Center, San Diego Natural History Museum (The Nat), Museum of Us, The Old Globe, San Diego Air & Space Museum, San Diego Model Railroad Museum, Timken Museum of Art, WorldBeat Center, Japanese Friendship Garden, San Diego Automotive Museum, and San Diego History Center. Along with the light bulbs, our staff and the EnviroGreen team sorted, weighed, and tracked 42.2 lbs of single-use batteries and 3,925.4 lbs of e-waste. Among this year’s haul were old computers, monitors, televisions, microwaves, exit signs, a popcorn machine, and many other electronics that were properly recycled. EnviroGreen will refurbish the electronics capable of living a second life. Through our continued partnership with SDG&E and EnviroGreen, we are able to responsibly dispose of hazardous waste and divert electronic waste from ending up in landfills. We appreciate our founding partner, SDG&E, and community partners for supporting our efforts in keeping Balboa Park and our community safe from toxic waste!