Balboa Park Hazardous Waste Disposal Event

Sustainability ProgramBalboa Park Cultural Partnership, Sustainability Program

On Friday, July 13, 2018, our program hosted an E-waste/Battery/Bulb drop-off event for Balboa Park member organizations. Through our monthly meetings with facility staff in the Park we were informed of their challenge as non-profits to find the funds to dispose of hazardous waste. For this reason, our program coordinated a park-wide drop-off targeted on fluorescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs and single-use batteries.

The Fleet Science Center, who offers free e-waste drop-off year round for Balboa Park organizations helped host the drop-off event. Through a special partnership with e-waste hauler, EnviroGreen, the Fleet Science Center is able to offer the free e-waste program. Disposal of special hazardous items such as fluorescent bulbs and alkaline batteries, on the other hand, generally comes at a cost. Through generous support from our founding partner, San Diego Gas & Electric®, we were able to waive the cost for Balboa Park organizations.

During the two-hour drop-off event, 13 organizations were able to drop-off their hazardous waste. Our staff along with staff from EnviroGreen and the Fleet Science Center sorted, weighed, and tracked 1,962 light bulbs, 289 lbs. of batteries, and 1,355 lbs. of e-waste. A big reason why proper disposal is essential is due to the toxic mercury and heavy metals in these products.

Pictured: Fluorescent tube lights contain hazardous chemicals like mercury; cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors and batteries pictured contain toxins that may leach; hundreds of CFLs and halogens were diverted from the landfill

We are happy to be able to serve Balboa Park member organizations and support sustainable efforts in the Park. Successful events like this one help maintain a clean, green, and healthy environment for park staff and visitors. Visit our blog for ways you can also help divert toxic and hazardous waste from the landfill.